Born 1975 in Haan, Germany, as a son of a Turkish guest worker, Cengiz Civan found his way into furniture and design – by making detours and without official training. Unbearable, unteachable, uninterested and falsely oriented, having broken off professional education, Civan eventually started to sell plaster sculptures and soon created his own collection. He smoothly changed into the jewellery business. Over the years he expanded the design, sales and production of gold jewellery. By chance, Civan switched to furniture business, slowly eclipsing the jewellery activities. Taking over an insolvent furnishing house, the autodidact established his main pillar. Without capital, but equipped with perseverance and a sense for the costumers’ wishes, Cengiz Civan built up one of the most renowned houses of the industry. Being able to create something from scratch, the long experience with clients’ and industry’s expectations and the courage to dare new ideas made him transfer his trades experience into creative work. With his first design, the Sequoia Bank, he designed a sofa for the dining table – creating and recreating a traditional cosy centre of action.